Better Government working for you!
Internal Controls:
West York Borough has adopted strong internal controls.
Furthermore, the Borough annually reviews it’s fiscal budget to ensure residents get the best bang for their buck.
In addition, the Borough participates in regular state audits and annual local audits.
Links Below:
2024 Final 2025 Preliminary Budget
2023/2022 Budget
2021 Budget
2020 Budget
The Borough drafts an annual budget based on an annual budget calendar.
A budget narrative is drafted in September and vetted during a series of committee meetings and public budget meetings.
A preliminary budget is approved in October. A final budget is approved in November/December of each year.
Grant Funding
ARPA Federal Funds
Recycling Grant
Hokes Run Grant
Operation Buckle Up
CDBG Funds and Projects
Road Projects
Andrew Street Project
Alley Overlay Project
Hokes Run Project
Traffic and Pedestrian Safety